Thursday, April 22, 2010

Update on my group

Hey Class, I just wanted to give you all a quick update on how my group (Visual and Audio Arts) has been progressing. I think overall, it has been a great experience, especially interacting with my group members. We formulated a great system, in order to narrow down our submissions. There were a lot of talented artist who submitted work and in every genre. From weird, to sweet, love materials, animals to just plain disgusting! Since we have six people in the group, we all decided that each submission, had to acquire at least 3 votes, to be able to move on to the final round of decision making. The first step though was a little time consuming; every member had to look through all of the materials individually and then create two categories. A maybe list, and a no list. Group members were very giving and accepting in this phase. (If you thought you even somewhat liked it, it would go to the "maybe" pile to get voted on)

After all of the "absolutely nots" and "maybe's" were settled upon, we then moved to the second phase; the voting phase. I must add here that we have harsh judges inour group and the field was almost immediately cut to half. I thought that 3 votes would be relatively easy for most of the submissions to come by, but to my surprise, most were barely getting the three votes to move much so that we did not really have to usher in the 3rd phase, which was for the submission to acquire 4 votes, because not too many garnered the 3 votes to begin with. The results however was not even a referendum on the work, they were very good, but all group members had to keep reminding each other; this work may be good, but is it unique, and of quality and publishible material? Do we think that this work is unique and good enough to be on the first issue of Din Magazine? I think that was the deciding factor.

Ultimately, I think that group worked very well together and compromised fairly. We did only have one submission for music, which we all really liked and three submissions for video. One of them got the requisite three votes.

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